Sunday, 28 December 2014

There is no one diet that fits every single person

By Vince

When you look at diets - there is so many it can seem so confusing as to which is correct. One author says this and another says that. The truth is there is no one diet that suits every single person.

I'll say that again there is no one diet that suits every single person. We would all have to be identical twins (with exactly the same genetics) and to have the the exact same lifestyles to have one diet that suits all. Any expert that says differently is saying they know exactly how our genes react to the foods we eat. (The genes that we possess can influence how much of a nutrient we can absorb from a food. It is always interesting to say why aren't we all equally good at extracting nutrients from food? There are also genes to determine what needs to be done to the nutrients when they are absorbed. Some people have more receptors for a certain nutrient - again it is genetics that often determines how many receptors we can produce. There are simply too many factors to say that one diet can possible fit every single person. Some diets are just to help you to survive not to necessarily keep you healthy.)

What is right is what is nourishing and what suits you. This is not necessarily the exact same as that which would suit me - to say so is arrogant and negligent.

Some people cope better on a higher carb diet, others higher fat and still some with more protein.

The blood scores are very revealing and if the diet you are on shows you to be in good health as evidenced by good ranges of nutrients in your blood, hormones etc, you feel great and are able to control your weight easily then that diet is most likely to be correct for you. There comes a time when you have to trust what your body is telling you. If a supplement or food makes you consistently ill (even when you try different brands), but the scientific literature says it is the most healthy food in the world - it is most likely not healthy for you. (You can always find alternatives to supply any shortage of nutrients).

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