Green juice cleanse recipes are very important during a juice cleanse. The reason for this is that you want to get a good amount of leafy green vegetable juice into your body during this time. There are different opinions about the amount of green juice that you want to include in your juice cleanse recipes during this time, but most will agree somewhere between a range of %60 to %80 is about right.
One of the main reasons you want to consume this amount of green juice while doing a juice cleanse, a juice fast or a juice feast. Is that greens, and leafy greens especially provide your body with a wider range of nutrients than most vegetables. This will give your body more of what it needs during this time. You can continue on below for our green juice cleanse recipes, which will give you some good ways to get more of these nutrient dense juices into your body.
Recipe #1.
Symphony Of Green Goodness
Simple recipe.
1/3 small bunch of Cilantro
3 leaves Kale
6 Carrots
3 Radishes including radish greens
1 Cucumber
1 Green Pepper
1/4 head Green Cabbage
If you want something more precise.
(1/2 cup chopped) Cilantro= almost 1 ounce juice
(1/2 cup chopped) Kale= 1 and 1/2 ounces juice
(3 cups chopped) Carrots= 8 ounces juice
(1/2 cup chopped) Radish and Radish Leaves= 2 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Cucumber= 6 and 1/2 ounces juice
(1/2 cup chopped) Green Pepper= 4 and 1/2 ounces juice
(3 cups chopped) Green Cabbage= 5 ounces juice
Yields about 28 to 29 ounces of juice.
This green juice recipe is made without any extreme fruit sweeteners yet it tastes great! It is very lightly sweet and the cilantro provides a nice unique flavor that sets this juice apart. Wonderful juice recipe if you are looking for something that is lower in sugars yet completely tasty.
When juicing the radishes as you can see in the picture, throw the entire vegetable in there leaf and all! Radish greens are an underrated green and contain lots of goodies for your body that the radish itself does not!
We used Lacinato Kale for this green juice recipe which is also known as Dinosaur Kale or Italian Kale. You can use any variety of kale you like for this one and it will work just fine.
Recipe #2.
Green Morning
Simple recipe.
1/2 medium bunch Spinach
1 and 1/2 handfuls Sunflower Sprouts
4 large Romaine Lettuce leaves
4 large Rainbow Chard leaves
5 medium Carrots
1/2 smaller apple
1 knuckle ginger
If you want something more precise.
(2 cups chopped) Spinach= about 4 ounces
(1 and 1/2 cups chopped) Sunflower Sprouts= 2 ounces
(2 cups tightly packed chopped) Romaine Lettuce= 4 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Rainbow Chard= 4 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Carrots= 4 ounces juice
(1 cup chopped) Apple= 2 ounces juice
(1 and 1/2 square inch) Ginger= under an ounce of juice
Yields about 20 to 21 ounces juice.
This is one of those green juice cleanse recipes that is not to sweet, but it does an excellent job of mixing all of the greens greens together in harmony. You could add a little more apple if you would like to make it a tad sweeter, but for me this is perfect as it is. For some reason the first time I drank this green juice, I was reminded of a cinnamon hot chocolate drink. I drank it down so fast I should of made more!
Recipe #3.
Whole Lot Of Green!
Simple recipe.
5 leaves Red Chard(Rainbow will work as well).
5 stalks Celery
1/3 large bunch spinach
4 leaves Kale
1 head Broccoli
1 Apple
If you want something more precise.
(3 cups chopped) Red Chard= 6 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Celery= 8 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Spinach= 4 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Kale= 2 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Broccoli= 3 and 1/2 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Apple= 7 ounces juice
Yields about 30 to 31 ounces of juice.
Wonderful tasting juice! Another one of quite a few green juice cleanse recipes that has so much green going on it is just awesome! The apple balances all of the flavors out just right and gives it a light sweetness.
We used a curly variety of kale for this one, but you can use whatever variety you like.
Recipe #4.
Easy Breezy Greens
Simple recipe.
7 Beet Greens(stalks and leaves, no actual beets included)
1/2 medium head Green Cabbage
1 stalk including leaves Fennel
1/2 Cucumber
If you want something more precise.
(2 cups chopped) Beet Greens= 4 and 1/2 ounces juice
(4 cups chopped) Green Cabbage= 7 ounces juice
(1/2 cup chopped) Fennel= about 1 ounce juice
(1 and 1/2 cups chopped) Cucumber= 4 ounces juice
Yields about 16 and 1/2 ounces of juice.
This is an easy juice to like and is also low in sugars. These items balance each other out really well and no sweetness is needed at all. When it comes to green juice cleanse recipes it is good to work on making some of them with a lot less sugar and this is a good starter juice for anyone looking into ways to do this.
Recipe #5
Seven Layer Green Giant
Simple recipe.
1/2 head of Fennel(Leaves, bulb and all)
1/4 head of Green Cabbage
1 Green Bell Pepper
3 stalks Celery
1 Cucumber
1 Sweet Potato
2 knuckles Ginger
If you want something more precise.
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Fennel= 6 ounces juice
(3 and 1/2 cups chopped) Green Cabbage= 6 ounces juice
(1 and 1/2 cups chopped) Green Bell Pepper= 4 and 1/2 ounces juice
(1 and 3/4 cups chopped) Celery= 5 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Cucumber= 7 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Sweet Potato= 5 and 1/2 ounces juice
2 knuckles Ginger= 1 ounce juice
Yields about 35 ounces of juice.
This lightly sweet green juice cleanse recipe has a slight kick to it from the ginger. If you want to get a lot of green juice all into one place this is a good way of doing it. We don't call this one a giant for no reason!
Recipe #6.
Green Dream
Simple recipe.
4 leaves Kale
1 Zucchini
1 head Broccoli
3 Apples
If you want something more precise.
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Kale = 3 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Zucchuni = 3 and 1/2 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Broccoli = 3 and 1/2 ounces juice
(4 cups chopped) Apples = 14 ounces juice
Yields about 24 ounces of juice.
This is a nice sweet juice that also gets a lot of green juices into your body. You can taste the greens in the background, but the apple juice flavor really comes out here.
We used a curly type of kale for this green juice recipe, but you can use any variety you like.
Recipe #7.
Hot Green Lover!
Simple recipe.
4 leaves Swiss Chard
4 leaves Collard Greens
1 Green Cabbage
1 knuckle Ginger
If you want something more precise.
(1 and 1/2 cups chopped) Swiss Chard = 4 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Collard Greens = 1 and 1/2 ounces juice
(6 and 1/2 cups chopped) Green Cabbage = 12 ounces juice
1 knuckle Ginger = under an ounce of juice
Yields about 16 ounces of juice.
This green juice cleanse recipe is spicy! No doubt about it this is not for people who do not like the spiciness of ginger. If you do like some spicy in your juices then you will love this green juice recipe! I myself love this juice, but I am also the kind of person who can drink hot sauce and Sriracha straight. If you like spicy and want a green juice cleanse recipe that has a very low amount of sugar in it then you will love this one!
Recipe #8.
Green Tango
Simple recipe.
4 leaves Kale
1/3 bunch Spinach
4 stalks Celery
1 large Apple
1 knuckle Ginger
If you want something more precise.
(2 cups chopped) Kale = 3 ounces juice
(1 cup chopped) Spinach = 1 and 1/2 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Celery = 5 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Apple = 8 ounces juice
1 knuckle Ginger = under an ounce of juice
Yields about 18 ounces of juice.
This green juice cleanse recipe has a sweet flavor with a just a touch of ginger spice. The kale we used here is Lacinato Kale which is also called Dinosaur or Italian Kale. You can use any variety of kale you like though and the results will be good.
Recipe #9.
The Morning Buzz
Simple recipe.
10 leaves Kale
1 Pear
1 knuckle Ginger
If you want something more precise.
(5 cups chopped) Kale = 7 ounces juice
(4 cups chopped) Pear = 11 ounces juice
1 knuckle Ginger = under an ounce of juice
Yields about 19 ounces of juice.
This green juice cleanse recipe is sweet and also has a slight spicy flavor. You can add little pieces of ginger as you go if you like until you reach the amount of spice flavor that will work for you.
We used a curly kale when we made this juice recipe, but you can choose whatever variety you like.
Recipe #10.
Brussel's Green Juice
Simple recipe.
4 leaves Swiss Chard
10 Brussel Sprouts
1 Apple
If you want something more precise.
(2 cups chopped) Swiss Chard = 4 ounces juice
(3 cups chopped) Brussel Sprouts = 2 and 1/2 ounces juice
(1 and 1/2 cups chopped) Apple = 5 ounces juice
Yields about 11 and 1/2 ounces of juice.
Another pleasant tasting mix of greens! The apple juice adds just the right amount of balanced sweet and makes this green juice cleanse recipe another winner!
Recipe #11.
Green Lemonade
Simple recipe.
1 Cucumber
3 leaves Kale
10 spears Asparagus
1 Lemon
If you want something more precise.
(2 cups chopped) Cucumber = 6 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Kale = 3 ounces juice
(1 and 1/2 cups chopped) Asparagus = 4 and 1/2 ounces juice
(1/4 cup slices) Lemon = about 1 ounce juice
Yields about 13 and 1/2 ounces of juice.
We usually juice the entire lemon, peel and all, but with this juice we just include the lemon fruit itself. This helps to tame down what is an already stronger flavored juice. You can put less lemon in this juice if you are not a big lemon fan. Some people may find this a little on the sour side with to much, but personally I really like this juice as it is. This green juice cleanse recipe is a great low sugar juice with lots of good stuff for your body!
The kale we used for this recipe is Lacinato Kale which is also known as Dinosaur Kale or Italian Kale. Any variety of kale will work though and you can use whatever type you please for this green juice recipe.
Recipe #12.
Broccoli Everywhere!
Simple recipe.
2 heads Broccoli
1/2 bunch Broccoli Rabe
2 Apples
2 cloves Garlic
If you want something more precise.
(4 and 1/2 cups chopped) Broccoli = 7 ounces juice
(cups chopped) Broccoli Rabe = 4 and 1/2 ounces juice
(3 cups chopped) Apple = 12 ounces juice
2 cloves Garlic = under an ounce juice
Yields about 24 ounces of juice.
Broccoli Rabe or Broccoli Rapini is a lesser known vegetable that is used in European cuisine often. It is actually more closely related to the turnip than broccoli, but grows what look like smaller heads of broccoli.It has a "spicier" flavor that Broccoli itself and is leafier. We grew a bunch of this awesome stuff last summer and juiced it like crazy!
This green juice cleanse recipe has a semi sweet flavor with a nice touch of broccoli, broccoli rabe and garlic in the background. I love all of our juice cleanse recipes, but this is one of those that really stands out for me and I will be having it more often!
Recipe #13.
Sweet Green Dream
Simple recipe.
3 leaves Kale
7 spears Asparagus
1/2 Head Fennel
1/2 Cantaloupe
If you want something more precise.
(1 and 1/2 cups chopped) Kale = 2 ounces juice
(1 and 1/4 cups chopped) Asparagus = 3 and 1/2 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Fennel = 6 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Cantaloupe = 8 ounces juice
Yields about 19 and 1/2 ounces of juice.
This green juice cleanse recipe is definitely one of the sweeter ones. It manages a good balance of sweet and green and is just on the border of being Green. The great fennel and cantaloupe mix definitely gives this green juice a unique flavor. This is one of those juice cleanse recipes that you can use as a treat.
Curly Kale was used when we put this juice recipe together, but you can use any variety that you like.
Recipe #14.
Green Juicy Salad
Simple recipe.
7 leaves Romaine Lettuce
4 stalks Celery
1 Cucumber
6 Carrots
1 knuckle Ginger
If you want something more precise.
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Romaine Lettuce = 6 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Celery = 6 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Cucumber = 6 and 1/2 ounces juice
(3 cups chopped) Carrots = 8 ounces juice
1 knuckle Ginger = under an ounce of juice
Yields about 27 ounces of juice.
Green juice cleanse recipes are always a great way to get many nutrients into your body as well as alklalizing juices. This Green juice recipe is no exception and has a lightly sweet taste with just a touch of the ginger spice in the background.
Recipe #15.
Caul Me Brussel!
Simple recipe.
1 head Cauliflower
24 Brussel Sprouts
4 Radishes
1/2 head Green Cabbage
If you want something more precise.
(9 cups chopped) Cauliflower = 14 ounces juice
(5 cups chopped) Brussel Sprouts = 3 ounce juice
(1/2 cup chopped) Radishes = 2 ounce juice
(4 cups chopped) Green Cabbage = 7 ounces juice
Yields about 26 ounces of juice.
You might be surprised how great this green juice cleanse recipe juice tastes with all of the vegetables mixed in. I know I will definitely be having this one more often!
Recipe #16.
The Cilantro Honcho
Simple recipe.
3 stalks Celery
1 bunch Cilantro
1 Green Bell Pepper
1/2 bunch Spinach
1 large Cucumber
8 Carrots
3 large cloves Garlic
If you want something more precise.
(2 cups chopped) Celery = 4 and 1/2 ounces juice
(1 and 3/4 cups chopped) Cilantro = 3 ounces juice
(1 and 1/2 cups chopped) Green Bell Pepper = 6 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Spinach = 3 and 1/2 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Cucumber = 8 ounces juice
(4 and 1/4 cups chopped) Carrots = 8 and 1/2 ounces juice
3 large cloves Garlic = under an ounce juice
Yields about 34 ounces juice.
If you like the flavor of cilantro juice then this green juice recipe will appeal to you. The spice of the garlic is in the background yet comes through well.
Recipe #17.
Deep Green
Simple recipe.
1 bunch Kale
1 bunch Dandelion Greens
1/2 Large Green Cabbage
2 Apples
1 knuckle Ginger
If you want something more precise.
(5 cups chopped) Kale = 5 ounces juice
(3 cups chopped) Dandelion Greens = 7 ounces juice
(6 cups chopped) Green Cabbage = 14 ounces juice
(3 and 1/2 cups chopped) Apples = 14 ounces juice
1 knuckle Ginger = under an ounce of juice
Yields about 40 ounces of juice.
You have to appreciate the deeper flavors of green juice to like this green juice recipe. Talk about a star powered juice, not only do you have a bunch of kale, you also have a bunch of dandelion greens. These greens have been gaining more in popularity lately and are packed with nutrition. Add a half head of a large cabbage in the mix with some apples as well as ginger and you are really deep into some green.
The kale we used in this recipe as you can see in the picture is a curly variety of kale. You can use any variety you like though for this green juice recipe.
Recipe #18.
Green Rocket!
Simple recipe.
1/2 bunch Kale
1 bunch Arugula
10 Carrots
2 Apples
1 chili pepper
1 large knuckle ginger
If you want something more precise.
(3 and 1/2 cups chopped) Kale = 4 ounces juice
(4 and cups chopped) Arugula = 8 ounces juice
(5 cups chopped) Carrots = 12 ounces juice
(4 and 1/2 cups chopped) Apples = 16 ounces juice
1 chili pepper = under an ounce of juice
1 large knuckle ginger= about an ounce of juice
Yields about 41-42 ounces of juice.
This green juice recipe highlights the rich "peppery" flavor of arugula as well as some other spicy elements. These ingredients really complemented each other well and make for a very nice and mildly spicy green juice.
A curly type of kale was used for this juice recipe, but you can choose whichever kind of kale you like when you make yours.
Recipe #19.
The Jolly Green Giant
Simple recipe.
1 large head Romaine Lettuce
9 stalks Celery
4 medium heads Broccoli
3 large Apples
1 Mango
1/2 large Lemon(Peel included)
If you want something more precise.
(6 and 1/2 cups chopped) Romaine Lettuce = 15 ounces juice
(4 and 1/2 cups chopped) Celery = 14 ounces juice
(7 and 1/2 cups chopped) Broccoli = 8 ounces juice
(6 and 1/2 cups chopped) Apples = 20 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Mango = 5 ounces juice
(1/2 cups chopped) Lemon(Peel included) = 1 and 1/2 ounces juice
Yields about 63.5 ounces of juice.
This green juice recipe yields a whole lot of juice and has a good
change of flavor due to the mix of produce inside of it. Sometimes a little
bit of something can go a long way to alter the flavor of a juice cleanse
recipe and the lemon, with the mango manages to do this well here.
Recipe #20.
Swimming In Green
Simple recipe.
1 bunch Kale
1 bunch or 23 spears Asparagus
3 medium heads Broccoli
1 large Apple
2 medium Beets
1 knuckle ginger
If you want something more precise.
(3 cups chopped) Kale = 5 ounces juice
(3 and 1/4 cups chopped) Asparagus = 9 ounces juice
(5 cups chopped) Broccoli = 5 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Apple = 7 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Beets = 4 and 1/2 ounces juice
1 knuckle ginger = under an ounce of juice
Yields about 35 ounces of juice.
This Green juice recipe has a mildly spicy flavor of ginger swimming in a lightly sweet and wonderfully flavored juice! You can use any variety of kale you like for this recipe and it will work just fine, but we used a curly type when we made it.
Recipe #21.
The Green Submarine
Simple recipe.
1 bunch Kale
4 leaves Rainbow Chard
1/2 head Fennel
3 large Apples
If you want something more precise.
(6 cups chopped) Kale = 10 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Rainbow Chard = 4 and 1/2 ounces juice
(2 and 1/2 cups chopped) Fennel = 6 ounces juice
(7 and 1/2 cups chopped) Apples = 22 ounces juice
Yields 42 and 1/2 ounces of juice.
This tasty sweet green juice recipe blends some powerful greens into an absolutely deep flavored beautiful juice that might just become one of your favorites. We used Lacinato Kale, otherwise known as Dinosaur Kale or Italian kale for this recipe and we would recommend you do the same. The flavor that makes this one unique partially comes from this specific type of kale. You can still use whatever kale you like, but the flavor may be a bit different.
Recipe #22.
Sweet Baby Green
Simple recipe.
5 heads baby Bok Choy
2 large heads Broccoli
1 large Cucumber
1 Zucchini
2 Kiwi
2 large Apples
2 knuckles Ginger
If you want something more precise.
(6 cups chopped) baby Bok Choy = 17 ounces juice
(5 and 1/2 cups chopped) Broccoli = 8 ounces juice
(3 cups chopped) Cucumber = 11 ounces juice
(2 cups chopped) Zucchini = 3 ounces juice
(1 and 1/4 cups chopped) Kiwi = 3 and 1/2 ounces juice
(5 cups chopped) Apples = 14 ounces juice
2 knuckles Ginger = 1 ounce juice
Yields 57 ounces of juice.
This green juice recipe has a nice lightly sweet flavor with a slight spice in the background due to the ginger. As with all of our green juices this one has a nice mix of nutrients and is a great green juice to include into your diet.
Recipe #23.
Sweet Sensation
Simple recipe.
17 stalks Celery
1 head Romaine
3 Apples
If you want something more precise.
(7 cups chopped) Celery = 21 ounces juice
(8 cups chopped) Romaine Lettuce = 16 ounces juice
(7 and 1/2 chopped) Apples = 24 ounces juice
Yields 61 ounces of juice.
Mildly sweet green juice recipe with a celery taste in the background. Very tasty and mellow.
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