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Sunday, 9 August 2015

No one is equal - it is not just genetics

by Kyn Chan

I draw so much inspiration from sport. From school there would be people that excelled in soccer, rugby, cricket, badminton etc. These people were often selected for the teams - quite an exclusive group. Most people would not qualify because they weren't quite there. Either they lacked the talent or even with good talent they did not put the time to perfecting that talent.

Now, many of these people that excelled were fairly quickly moved onto different programs at a higher level than they worked again. Again many of these people turned out to be not as good in their new group. This process was usually not so simple because success at this higher level provided a passport to even better groups - yet more people were let go. This process of selection went on for many rounds until the group left were near the best of the best. Thankfully, there were sometimes different leagues where the not so great have a chance. But the vast majority fail. I would include myself amongst the not so great at sport - I got into the team for rugby. But didn't get into any better groups.

How equal is that? Not at all right. It almost seems talent was the only factor involved. I just lacked the talent, So right off the cuff I knew I didn't have it.

But the gleaming light is I sometimes see a less talented athlete win over a talented one because the less talented one wanted it more and was prepared to work much harder consistently. (While the talented person got success easily and early so became complacent - just coasting through life.) It is in these instances where you think you had no chance but actually through consistent work and retaining the will to win you will get you something even besting someone with much better talent that you.

In life, this happens far more than in sport. (Professional sport is of course one of the most competitive fields anyone can get into.) In life, many people still get to where they want EVEN when they were not the most talented. But the journey was much harder than with someone suited for that opportunity. In life, the focussed and consistent action builds up to make you more ready for any particular event you choose.

Just not giving up and making improvements makes a huge difference in the course of life than, in nearly all circumstances over unfocused talent. (Naturally, it would be quite nice to be born with that talent).

The longer I live the more unequal I see people are. Over a long enough time frame unstoppable motivation in a narrow focused field usually produces our specialists - that distinguishes them from anyone else. Most people will have many interests and touch on this and that - usually when the going gets tough is the time to switch to something else. The really special people push through. This is a better attitude to live life with.

When talking about fat loss the same goes. It is easy to give up and move back to what you know but the most important thing is to take on the habits that move you closer and closer to your goals. Do that consistently and you will get to your goal.

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